Full Name
Nikolaos Ipiotis
Job Title
Chief Information Officer
Speaker Bio
In December 2023 Nikolaos Ipiotis was appointed as the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) Chief Information Officer (CIO). In this role he oversees all the IT operations, software development and cybersecurity initiatives. Prior to ARPA-H, Nikolaos Ipiotis was the Chief Data Officer (CDO) for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In this role, Nikolaos chaired the HHS data governance board, worked to increase workforce data skills, established the HHS Data Excellence Awards, and published the HHS Data Strategy, Geospatial Data Strategy, and Open Data strategy. Nikolaos served as a member of the Federal CDO Council where he co-chaired the Data Sharing Working Group (DSWG). Prior to joining the HHS Office of the CIO, Nikolaos served the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF)where he managed the various Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and the modernization initiatives to deliver IT services effectively and cost efficiently.
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