Full Name
Lance Scott,
Job Title
Director, Solution Integration,
Speaker Bio
Mr. Lance Scott serves as the Federal Electronic Health Record
Modernization (FEHRM) program office’s Solution Integration
Director, Program Manager for the Defense Medical Information
Exchange (DMIX) program and the Department of Defense (DOD)
Healthcare Management System Modernization program office
(DHMSM) Interoperability/Data Systems Assistant Program
Manager (APM). In these roles, he manages all aspects of joint
solutions integration—among DOD and the Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA), Interoperability and DMIX—which focuses
on health data sharing among DOD, VA and private sector
partners. These data are shared through MHS GENESIS using the
joint health information exchange and viewed using the Joint
Longitudinal Viewer capability within DMIX. DMIX also manages
the Data Exchange Service, which serves legacy health care data
to numerous consumers. Mr. Scott directs program planning,
budgeting, research and development, testing, production,
fielding and sustainment efforts. He also leads information
technology acquisition strategies, processes and procedures to
fulfill Defense Acquisition Program requirements.
Mr. Scott’s expertise includes over 20 years of acquisition
experience, beginning with the U.S. Army’s Program Executive
Office for Command, Control Communications – Tactical
organization in 2001. He served as APM for the U.S. Army’s
Global Command and Control System – Army, as well as the
Deputy Program Manager of the Net Enabled Command and
Control program for the Defense Information Systems Agency.
From 2009 to 2012, Mr. Scott led initiatives under the Assistant
Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology),
which improved analytic capabilities and network modernization
practices, resulting in a cost avoidance of more than $30 million.
Mr. Scott served 22 years in the U.S. Army and retired in 2010.
Mr. Scott received his Master of Science in Computer Resources
and Information Management and his Bachelor of Science in
Biology and Chemistry. He completed the Command and General
Staff Officer Course at the U.S. Army’s Command and General
Staff College. In addition, Mr. Scott holds Program Management
III, Information Technology II and Systems Engineering I
certifications from the Defense Acquisition University.
Modernization (FEHRM) program office’s Solution Integration
Director, Program Manager for the Defense Medical Information
Exchange (DMIX) program and the Department of Defense (DOD)
Healthcare Management System Modernization program office
(DHMSM) Interoperability/Data Systems Assistant Program
Manager (APM). In these roles, he manages all aspects of joint
solutions integration—among DOD and the Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA), Interoperability and DMIX—which focuses
on health data sharing among DOD, VA and private sector
partners. These data are shared through MHS GENESIS using the
joint health information exchange and viewed using the Joint
Longitudinal Viewer capability within DMIX. DMIX also manages
the Data Exchange Service, which serves legacy health care data
to numerous consumers. Mr. Scott directs program planning,
budgeting, research and development, testing, production,
fielding and sustainment efforts. He also leads information
technology acquisition strategies, processes and procedures to
fulfill Defense Acquisition Program requirements.
Mr. Scott’s expertise includes over 20 years of acquisition
experience, beginning with the U.S. Army’s Program Executive
Office for Command, Control Communications – Tactical
organization in 2001. He served as APM for the U.S. Army’s
Global Command and Control System – Army, as well as the
Deputy Program Manager of the Net Enabled Command and
Control program for the Defense Information Systems Agency.
From 2009 to 2012, Mr. Scott led initiatives under the Assistant
Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology),
which improved analytic capabilities and network modernization
practices, resulting in a cost avoidance of more than $30 million.
Mr. Scott served 22 years in the U.S. Army and retired in 2010.
Mr. Scott received his Master of Science in Computer Resources
and Information Management and his Bachelor of Science in
Biology and Chemistry. He completed the Command and General
Staff Officer Course at the U.S. Army’s Command and General
Staff College. In addition, Mr. Scott holds Program Management
III, Information Technology II and Systems Engineering I
certifications from the Defense Acquisition University.
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