Full Name
Ms. Shannon Griffin CFCM
Job Title
Division Director - Office of Head Start Contracts Division
DHHS/Administration for Children and Families/Office of Head Start
Speaker Bio
Shannon Griffin serves as a business advisor, responsible for overseeing acquisitions and managing performance of the Office of Head Start’s congressionally mandated and business systems, developing acquisition policy, and strategic planning of OHS’s $760 million acquisition portfolio. She leads her division’s efforts in providing expert guidance to OHS Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) on acquisition and contract administration, and professional development of the OHS acquisition workforce.

Shannon has 20 years’ experience and knowledge in providing cradle-to-grave acquisition services, which includes leading complex/high dollar value and simplified procurement actions, Federal Acquisition Regulations, and administration of federal contracts. She previously served at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) where she was a branch chief for the NIH/NHLBI Consolidated Operations Acquisition Center. Shannon began her career as an IT specialist in the United States Air Force (USAF) PALACE Acquire Intern Program. She transitioned to the contracting career field supporting the USAF and the U.S. Department of the Interior, Acquisition Services Directorate as an unlimited warrant contracting officer and in various leadership roles.

Shannon holds a Bachelor of Science in Business from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Cincinnati. She is also a member of the National Contract Management Association and is a certified federal contracts manager. She is FAC-COR Level III and FAC-C (Professional) certified.
Shannon Griffin